Counterfeit Products

Important Notice: Beware of Counterfeit Products

It has come to our attention that counterfeit versions of the Nefertari Cyperus Rotundus Oil are being sold on Amazon and other platforms. These counterfeit products are manufactured in China and do not meet our high standards of quality and purity. The product images being used have been taken from our website without our permission and edited.

Please be advised that Nefertari products are 100% natural, handmade in Egypt, and globally exported. We take great pride in delivering only the best, authentic beauty products to our customers. To ensure you are purchasing genuine Nefertari products, please buy directly from Nefertari, our official website or authorized distributors.

We are committed to your satisfaction and the integrity of our brand. Thank you for your continued trust and support. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at